miércoles, 5 de octubre de 2011

research in our country

The labor of investigate and develop  new pieces of technology is so complicate because many  people in our country  are interested in other things like popular music, sports,  parties, luxury cars and other things to the entertainment magazines and something like that.

I think, one of the problems to develop technology in Colombia is the money sometimes the projects don´t need too much money, only require a smart, brilliant and restless people, but other projects need money, laboratories, instruments to do test to the prototypes and models of the final product. A good option is the sponsorship from colciencias or a company which are interested in your job.

The main problem to me is the getaway of brains, for example you have a brilliant idea and you look for support in you university, your family, your family, the government, you bank, but anybody helps you. This is your first step to get help but you don´t get something. Your second step is look for options in other places, because if you receives an opportunity in other country,  you make your suitcase and go abroad, consequently many people prefer get a job in other countries  to can do theirs projects reality.

Finally I think, Colombia is a good place to investigate and look for a smart people, who need help the world with new things, to feel good.  


A wonderful idea

To me one of the most important ideas of the history was the writing and the printer. Because this is one of the ways to communicate the ideas, manners, experiences, forms to cook, ways to make the wear, to cure the illness, ways to teach differents forms to hunt the food, knowledge of the seniors.

The differents ways to communicate the ideas, was very creative. Draws in a caves, draws in a stones. This is one of the examples to show the need to tell her ideas.
Johannes  Gutenberg was an important character who invented the printer. Only thinks, how would be the education if the printer had not invented?

To me this is the most important way to transmit  the  knowledge to the all the people.

only try to write, good luck.

lunes, 12 de septiembre de 2011

The Real Responsibility Of The Ideas

Is your decision, you choose the right or wrong way to yours ideas. Do you think to do a good or bad things?
You can change the world with your wonderful idea, changed to better or worst.

example of the power to destroy of the ideas (Nagazaki before and after of the nuclear bomb)

For example the idea of Alfred Bernhard Nobel was a wonderful idea, the dynamite, his idea was not be make bad things with this but the people used it to bad things and hurt the other people. 

an Ordinary thing maybe can be a dangerous thing, for example a knife is an ordinary thing a knife can save the life of the people in  wild situation(to cut food, to make a refuge, to fight with wild animals, etc.) or a knife can be used by anyone to kill other person. This is my example to show you the real power of the ideas you ideas can be use to make a good thing or bad thing, you choose.  

lunes, 5 de septiembre de 2011

The Power Of The Ideas

Everybody have a wonderful idea, (a big or small idea, but a wonderful idea).
The ideas changed the world. in the past many people had an idea (a crazy idea to this time) people like nelson Mandela, Antonio Nariño, Simon Bolivar,martin luther king(with simple thigns like  his discourse "i have a dream"), changed the world.

we can too change the world with simple and common actions like, think more, before vote for someone because this person can change our city, our life style, our world, our lives, with her actions and decisions.

you have a right to talk, think, give your opinion, say "i  disagree, i have other way to solve the problem  ". Sometimes you can think "i am not ready to do this, but is the time to try it" really believe in yourself. if you don´t try you don´t know if your idea are or are not a good idea. Try, and fight for your ideas its time to change our world. This is not easy but never is easy change the system because the people who control it, don´t wanna lost her luxury lifestyles, don´t wanna lost her business. You can think (i am going to lost my liberty or my life) the answer is maybe. Try is better, died for something to alive for nothing.

miércoles, 31 de agosto de 2011

This blog is a little view of the many things of the common events that happen in our country and our world. From the simple thing to complicated situations of our lives and daily relationships with the others persons and the planet and his dynamics.

This look is one of many views. All the people are a different history and have a different part of the truth, the common truth. all the people have different experiences. one of the objectives to create this blog is know(reading, listening, looking)  and discuss a different  views of the reality, of own diverse world.